Why nutrition is important for beauty - dietucate

Beauty may be defined as the thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind. It is the quality that makes something especially good and attractive. 
Beauty is not only the physical appearance of a person but also the internal appearance of the body. Beauty can always be seen in the physical,  internal , mental and spiritual state of a person. 

It is defined as the science of food, the nutrients and the substances  therein , their action , interaction and balance in relation to health and disease and the process by which the organism (I.e. body) ingests , digests , absorbs,  transports,  utilizes and excretes food substances.
Nutrition is a combination of processes by which all parts of the body receive and utilize the material necessary for the performance of their functions and for the growth and renewal of all the components , it also helps in rejuvenation. 
How Beauty is related to nutrition 
Food is the substance taken into the body that will help meet the body's needs for energy,  maintenance of health , growth and reproduction. Shiny hair, smooth skin,  clear eyes, alert expressions and firm flesh on well - developed structure reflect good nutritional status of a person. One's correct weight according to the height,  his normal  physical and mental responses , stamina and resistance to diseases reflect beauty of his inner and outer body and is the sign of good nutritional status. 
Nutritional status of a person can define the beauty of the person. As the one who eats healthy stays healthy. The search for beauty goes together with the implementation of healthy lifestyle where the outer beauty is the mirror of the metabolic and cellular health. The outer part of the body which is the presentation to the outside world is the skin and its appendages ( hair , nails etc). Having healthy skin and hair is important for beauty and index while the opposite can mean lack of vitamins,  minerals , essential nutrients or stress.

Importance of nutrition for beauty 
Our skin is the largest detoxification agent in our body. The others later of the skin is connected to the vascular network that helps maintain the healthy tissues , controls blood pressure,  aids in wound healing so problem in our internal body can pop out to the outer part of the body i.e. the skin. Food intolerances,  dehydration, digestive issues, deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, diseases etc show up to our skin in some or the other manner. 
Even the medicines that we take to recover from a disease or something has some side effects that directly affects our skin , makes it dehydrated,  dull , rough, in some cases acne , skin dryness etc occurs. So the nutrition is the only thing that can maintain the beauty of the inner and the outer body. 
Maintaining a healthy well balanced diet is important for our body. Having a good knowledge about nutrition is important for maintaining health. Choice of food is necessary,  the basic misconception about food is that we crave for the food which our body needs. The choice of food of human beings are getting worst day by day. The food choices in humans being is influenced by the social life and the cultural background as well as his learning. Learning profoundly influences our food selection. It is better to make good choices of food according to the body needs instead of bad food which only look good and has more calories which charge up your body at once and then the energy goes down.
You can have with the good foods too that is best for your body. Foods rich in carbohydrates,  protein ,fats , vitamins and minerals helps our body to work properly and stay healthy. 
Nutrients has three main functions in body supply energy to the body, build and repair body tissues, regulate body processes. Carbohydrates and fats supply us energy.  Proteins provide functional and structural materials and also supply energy when the dietary intake of carbohydrates and fats is low. Vitamins and minerals along with water help to regulate the body processes such as respiration,  reproduction,  circulation,  metabolism,  digestion, absorption and elimination. The inner and the outer beauty of our body directly depends on these processes and the intake of nutrients. It is also important for us to stay hydrated as the water constitutes of about 60% in our body. Metabolism in the body and all physiological processes requires water , it carries nutrients to all the tissues and removal of waste. Hence you should stay hydrated and drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day. 

Tips to maintain health and beauty
1. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals helps to fight diseases and maintain hairs , nails , bones,  eyes , purification of blood.
2. Vitamin A in the form of beta carotene is essential for eyes and vision and good for your skin and hairs, also helps in repair and maintenance. 
3. Vitamin C boots our immune system and is necessary for body to repair and grow.
4. Vitamin D helps for strong bones and teeth. 
5.  A colour full diet is rich in antioxidants which repairs our skin.
6. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for maintaining skin health,  reduces inflammation, acne and can make it less sensitive e.g. fatty fish.
7. Foods rich in protein helps in tissue building. 
8. Foods rich in antioxidants fight damage from free radicals and unstable molecules. 

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